What are the cost savings of the project?
Here are some estimated cost savings of the project:
Building a hospital will make us more sustainable than less. A critical access hospital would generate $7 million more revenue than the existing Rural Health District clinic system. Medicaid reimburses 60% of clinics now, but a hospital would receive 100% reimbursement.
Another added benefit would be the ability to care in-house for involuntary admissions (Title 25) that currently are required to be sent out of the county. This costs Sublette County a significant amount of money each year, that could instead be saved by providing that care at our own facility. Last year, Sublette County spent $120,000 for Title 25 transfers, surpassing its budget of $60,000.
On average, around $1,000 per ambulance trip is transferred to a patient’s out-of-pocket expense for patients who do not have an insurance plan that covers transports to a physician's office. Whereas, under a critical access hospital, the patient’s out-of-pocket expense holds the possibility to lower considerably.