Why can the former ball fields property be used for the hospital?


In 1925, the U.S. federal government patented to the Town of Pinedale 80 acres, on which the former ball fields are located and where the proposed critical access hospital would be built. This land was patented to the Town of Pinedale in 1925 as a means to provide additional public lands at the disposition of an incorporated municipality to grow and develop. The use of this land for a hospital intending to serve our residents entirely conforms with the intentions of the Act of 1890 and the Patent of 1925

 Since the patent of the lands, some of the land has been conveyed away to third parties for various uses, including:

  • Upper Green River Cemetery District

  • Pinedale Medical Clinic

  • Senior Housing

  • Rendezvous Point

  • Discovery Center

  • Taylor Addition

  • Mountain Man Museum

  • Faler Addition (portion)

  • SCSD#1 (portion)

  • Sublette Center (portion)

  • Shadow Brook Town Homes

  • Ridley’s (portion)

  • U.S. Forest Service Building

  • Pinedale Dental Building

  • Nystrom Building

At no time was the conveyance of these 1925 Patent lands contested and at no time has any of the land reverted back because it was not used as a cemetery or park.

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