Patient FAQs
How do I make an appointment?
Appointments can be made during normal business hours Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. You may call 307-367-4133 (Pinedale) or 307-276-3306 (Marbleton) or stop by either of the clinic locations to schedule your appointment.
How do I get my blood drawn?
A physician's order must be presented at the time of service to have your blood drawn. Some tests require fasting, so be sure to get specific instructions from your ordering physician regarding your test. Appointments are not necessary for labs.
How do you handle DOT Physicals?
All of our providers can conduct DOT physical exams. DOT physicals take approximately 30 minutes to complete and must be scheduled in advance.
**You must not use tobacco or consume caffeine 2 hours before your appointment. You will be required to give a urine sample - so drink plenty of water!
Do you accept walk-ins?
YES! We allow urgent and emergent patients to be seen at our physician clinic, but keep in mind while dealing with insurance that we are not a designated urgent care or emergency room facility. We make every possible effort to accommodate non-emergent walk-ins on the same day, however, wait times can vary depending on provider schedules, appointment openings and emergency situations that arise. In order to keep your wait time to a minimum, scheduled appointments
How do I establish care with SCHD?
Unfortunately, there is always paperwork to complete when establishing care at a new facility. But at SCHD we try to make the new patient process as quick and painless as possible. Upon being seen for the first time, you will be required to complete three new patient forms. These forms are required in order for us to provide you the best possible service and care as our patient. The information provided to us on these forms is kept strictly confidential as mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
How can I obtain a copy of my medical records?
To request a copy of your medical records we require that you fill out the Disclosure of Health Information Form. You may request records for your own personal use or we can send them to another physician, specialist, hospital, attorney, etc. of your choosing. Please allow us at least 24 hours to process your request. There is typically no charge for copies of medical records, however, we reserve the right to request payment for these services.
Do you accept my insurance?
We submit claims to all insurance companies. However, not all insurance companies consider our physicians as "in-network". SCHD is currently contracted with the following insurance carriers:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming
First Choice of the Midwest, Inc.
InterWest Health
Medicaid (ACS Wyoming Equality Care)
Tricare & TriWest
United Healthcare
What does "In-Network" or "Out-of-Network" mean?
Every insurance provider that has a contract with SCHD (see list above) is considered "in-network". This means that the insurance provider has a set fee that will be paid for specific services. If SCHD charges a higher price for the service than is allowed by your insurance provider, the difference in cost is deducted from your charges. This often appears on your statement as "Commercial Ins Adjustment". For example, if your in-network insurance carrier pays $80 for a standard office visit, but SCHD charges you $100 for that visit, the difference of $20 will be deducted from your statement and you will owe SCHD $80 for that visit.
An "out-of-network" provider is an insurance carrier that is NOT contracted with SCHD. This means that any difference in fees between the carrier and SCHD become the responsibility of the patient. For example, if your out-of-network insurance carrier pays $80 for a standard office visit, but SCHD charges you $100 for that visit, the difference of $20 will become your responsibility.
What am I expected to pay at the time of service?
Payment is expected in full on the date of service. Additional outside charges, such as laboratory or x-ray fees, may result in additional billings at a later date from another facility.
How do I read my statement?
Understanding any medical bill can be tricky. If you have questions about your statement, please contact the Business Office at 307-367-4757.
When is someone who visits a clinic considered a "New Patient"?
There are different services provided to a patient that hasn’t been seen a in awhile. This logic is based on national healthcare standards when a patient hasn’t been seen in three or more years. So indeed, if you haven’t been seen in three or more years you will be “treated like a new patient” described by high standards, exceptional care, and an elevated detail for concern. The realization of it is that it is important for our providers to revisit to get to know you and your health status, along with many additional needed caveats provided by our nursing, office, and ancillary staff. This refresher with the provider and our staff will ultimately help him or her in their medical decision making regarding how to best treat or provide recommendations to you.
How is a new patient visit charged?
No provider-to-patient charge is a flat fee. There are many different levels of services and charges for new or established patients. There are 5 different levels of service for a new patient in which the service cost ranges between $81 - $365. Although, the most common charge for a new patient encounter is currently $135.
Does my insurance cover the following?
Annual/Wellness Exams - Most (but not all) insurance companies cover the entire cost of an annual exam. It is best to contact your insurance company regarding your coverage for annual exams.
DOT Physicals - Most (but not all) insurance companies will cover the cost of your DOT physical. If you are unsure, contact your insurance company for coverage information. You may be required to pay the $150 DOT physical charge at the time of service if coverage cannot be determined.
How do I get my prescription refilled?
Routine prescription refills can be obtained by calling your pharmacy. They will then contact our office with the refill request. Refill requests submitted to either of the clinics will be processed within 24-48 hours. Please be sure to submit your refill request with this time frame in mind.