What is the estimated economic impact of the project?

Adding jobs, increasing services, and keeping more medical revenue here would have an overall benefit to Sublette County. The estimated economic impact is 167 total jobs and an $11.84 million in wages, salaries and benefits.

The critical access hospital would create an estimated 20 new, permanent jobs, adding over $1.8 million in wages, salaries and benefits to Sublette County.

Using just existing jobs numbers for both the Sublette County Hospital District and the Sublette Center, the economic impact of the hospital with an attached long-term care facility is 167 jobs with an average of $10.71 million in total wages, salaries and benefits.

  • The Sublette County Hospital District and the Sublette Center currently employ 147 employees and pay $9 million in wages, salaries and benefits.

  • According to the National Center for Rural Health Works, an additional .34 jobs are created for other businesses and industries for every job in the hospital. The secondary employment impact is 41 jobs with $1.71 million in wages, salaries and benefits.


What are the cost savings of the project?


How are we going to staff the hospital, when it seems like we are having a hard time keeping providers?