Overall Project Funding
Building a critical access hospital with an attached long-term care facility could not happen without the support of so many organizations in the county. Our goal is to provide better care within Sublette County with an eye on reducing costs as much as possible.
Project Costs
The complete project costs $73.8 million, which includes both the Critical Access Hospital and Long Term Care facility.
How will the project be funded?
U.S. Department of Agriculture Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program
The Sublette County Hospital Board received a $32.2 million loan from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program to build the critical access hospital. USDA will oversee the project for at least five years, through construction, opening and the first few years of running the facility.
Sublette County Commissioners
In February 2020, County Commissioners approved a motion to commit up to $20 million to build a long-term care facility attached to the critical access hospital. The $20 million was contingent upon the passage of the Special Hospital District.
In February 2020, County Commissioners agreed to deed both the Pinedale and Marbleton medical clinics to the Sublette County Rural Health Care District (or Special Hospital District) with a reversion clause to ensure that the Marbleton Clinic stays open. With the passage of the Hospital District, this commitment was reconfirmed in July 2021.
In February 2023, the County Commissioners approved an additional $5.4 million to the long-term care portion of the project, understanding that inflation, supply chain issues, the job market and other factors had increased the price substantially. This brought the total County commitment to $25.4 million.
Town of Pinedale
Relocating the old ball fields was the only way to use the existing Pinedale Clinic as part of the critical access hospital build. The Town of Pinedale agreed to sell 7 acres of the ball fields to the Sublette County Rural Health Care District and relocate the ball fields in 2020. The cost to move the fields was shared by the town of Pinedale, Sublette County Commissioners and the Rural Health Care District. The Town of Pinedale is spent $1.4 million to help this project.
Sublette County School District
The School District has agreed to lease 27 acres of district land to the Town of Pinedale for new ball fields.
ARPA Grant
In December 2022, the SLIB board awarded the Sublette County Hospital District a $10 million ARPA grant to help make the project a reality.
Individual Donation by Mr. Joe Ricketts
In February 2023, knowing that the project was very close to having the necessary funds but still a bit short, Sublette County resident Joe Ricketts donated $1 million to the project to help meet the Gross Maximum Price (GMP) for the project and enable the district to start construction.
Mill Levies
With the formation of a Special Hospital District, the project now has access to 3 mils. The Rural Health Care District transferred over the revenue generated by the existing two mills and the Rural Health Care District dissolved on June 30, 2021.
What is a mill levy? Sublette County receives funding for budget requests through mill levies, which are the number of dollars in taxes that a property owner must pay for every $1,000 of assessed value. An additional mill is equal to an estimated .10 cents of tax for each $1,000 assessment.
Read more in-depth about how the project will use mill levies.