Why did we have to move the ball fields? How is moving the ball fields equate with reducing costs/being fiscally conservative?

Moving the ball fields was necessary in order to make use of the existing $10 million Pinedale clinic and EMS buildings. Using the 15,000 square feet of existing Pinedale Clinic is estimated to have saved nearly $8 million in new construction. Utilizing what we already have is being fiscally responsible.

The Town of Pinedale, Board of County Commissioners and the Sublette County Rural Health Care District were willing to cost-share the cost of replacing the ball fields.

  • The total combined cost for both the new fields and the completion of Wilson St. is $4.6 million. The Town of Pinedale is paying $1,907,000, the county paid $1.35 million, the Sublette County Rural Health Care District paid $1.35 million and SCSD#1 helped with a practically free long-term lease on the land.

  • The town spent $907,000 more to pay for $333,000 for Wilson Street required as a second entrance to the new ball fields and $575,000 for field improvements, which is beyond the like-for-like agreement with RHCD and the commissioners.

The Town of Pinedale had over the years spent nearly $5 million on the “old” ball fields on top of the hill. They are much more than a grassy hill as some may think; it has fences, lights, dugouts, irrigation, a building, etc. and is used by multiple hundreds of county residents young and old alike from spring to fall.

The town of Pinedale is building nice fields but there is nothing extravagant on the fields. The costs and plans have been openly studied for nearly seven months by the Pinedale Town Council, the county commissioners, the RHCD, SCSD#1, multiple engineers and the public. The overall site will be much more pleasant and have a greater capacity as a future sports complex, including trails and a new pond. This new complex will add value to our community and increase the opportunity of sports tourism and recreation.


What will happen to the Marbleton/Big Piney Clinic?


Why do we need an additional mill levy?